Charles Stallions Real Estate Services Inc.

Unique Ways to Research a Neighborhood Before Buying a House

Are you thinking of buying a home in Florida? Before you start searching for your dream home, it’s essential to do some research on the neighborhood you want to live in. After all, the location is just as important as the property itself, if not more so, being it is the one thing you can’t change about any property. But how to research a neighborhood before buying a house? We’ve consulted real estate experts from Florida, and here are some unique ways to get to know a neighborhood and make an informed decision.

How to research a neighborhood before buying a house?

The location of a home is often considered one of the most important factors when deciding where to live. Your neighborhood can significantly impact your satisfaction with your home, which can be a crucial factor in your buying decision. After all, buying a Florida home is one of the most significant investments, so you want to ensure you make the right call.

A bird's eye view of a suburban neighborhood
To avoid home buyer’s remorse, research a neighborhood before buying a house

While it’s difficult to fully understand a place until you’ve experienced living there, researching a neighborhood beforehand can help you avoid any potential regrets later on. Taking the time to learn about a neighborhood before committing to living there can save you many future headaches. Here are five unique ways to research a neighborhood before buying a house that will help you make sure you’re making the right decision.

#1 Research neighborhood ratings by zip code

When it comes to researching neighborhoods, there are many online resources available that can provide valuable insights. Websites like and allow you to see data points and resident reviews for specific areas. These platforms can provide helpful information, such as neighborhood ratings by zip code, which can be a valid starting point.

It’s always a good idea to do your homework before making a significant decision like purchasing a home, especially if you’re in for long distance moving in Florida. The last thing you want is to rely on an expert team and organize a move across the country only to realize you’ve chosen a completely wrong neighborhood for you. So before making concrete plans, such as hiring movers, research the neighborhood online first.

#2 Explore the neighborhood on foot

One unique way to research a neighborhood is by visiting it in person and exploring it on foot. That can give you a much more realistic sense of the area and allow you to see things that may not be visible through online listings. Even if you’re moving to a different city or part of Florida, try to visit and research the neighborhood when attending open houses.

A tool like Walk Score can also help determine a neighborhood’s walkability. That can be a valuable indicator of the convenience and accessibility of local amenities. A high walkability score means you’ll likely be able to get around quickly on foot, while a low score may indicate a more car-dependent area. By spending time in a neighborhood in person, you can get a feel for the area and see if it’s the right fit for you.

#3 Research schools and daycare providers

If you have young children, it’s essential to research the local schools and daycare options in your new neighborhood. Good education and reliable childcare can be crucial factors in your decision to move to a particular area.

Pregnant woman with a cat in her lap sitting next to a man who's working on a laptop
If you have kids or plan on having them soon, you must research neighborhood crime rates, daycare providers, and local schools. is valuable for finding local schools’ curricula, reviews, and athletics program ratings. In addition, you can use some childcare apps to find reputable daycare providers in the area. By taking the time to research these options beforehand, you can ensure that your family has access to the resources they need to thrive in their new neighborhood.

#4 Check the community website

Did you know that nearly every town and municipality has its dedicated website? While not all these sites are packed with information, they can still provide valuable insights into local parks and recreation, community events, and governing bodies.

If the neighborhood’s website doesn’t have much information, consider contacting community leaders through email or phone. They may be able to provide you with more information or point you toward additional resources. This way, you can better understand what a neighborhood offers and determine if it’s the right fit for you.

#5 Pay attention to crime rates

When buying a home, the neighborhood’s safety is an important consideration, especially if you have children. Therefore, it’s crucial to research the neighborhood’s crime rates before making final decisions. Websites like and can provide valuable information about crime rates in different neighborhoods.

Two cameras on a building wall
One of the most important things to pay attention to when choosing a neighborhood is its safety.

Remember that it’s crucial to consider population density when interpreting crime data, as higher-density areas may have higher crime rates. It’s also worth remembering that no city is entirely safe. However, by researching crime statistics, you can get a sense of the overall safety of a neighborhood and determine if it’s a suitable place for you and your family.

Wrapping up

Given that your home’s location is the one thing you can’t change, it’s crucial to thoroughly research a neighborhood before buying a house. Otherwise, you might end up with a case of buyer’s remorse, and that’s the last thing you want to experience, especially when making such a significant investment. Reach out to Florida’s real estate pros to ensure you end your home-buying process happy and satisfied with your decision. They’ll understand your wants and needs and, based on them, help you find a Florida home that’s perfect for you.